Visits to Centers

In the first half of 2016 our trips to Asylum centers not been frequent. We did, however, visit Hjørring: Gunderruplund, Hyttebyen, Cafe Venligbo, Brønderslev and Ranum but then we spend all resources on teaching, so the trips have been on hold due to a lack of volunteers with cars and the will to go. Furthermore, we would really like representatives from each center, preferably one local person, who speaks danish and one or two who lives at the center. Up to four if we can find a local person with a car.

We usually have an event group, which plans what we should do at each center. Sometimes we just give a presentation of Asylforum, often we have a nice long talk with the residents and sometimes we play football and do a bit of music jam. It all depends on the volunteers.

Centers come and go but our main centers that we visit are: Brovst, Ranum, Hanstholm, Skørping og Frederikshavn.

Do join us, if you would like for people in these centers to be less isolated and meet more friendly faces.